Among my 6-year-old son’s many rituals, his meticulous consumption of fruit snacks remains the most consistent. After I help him open the bag, he gets
Read MoreI was nineteen years old when I fell in love with my husband. That was thirty-one years ago, and the sensations of love at first
Read MoreFirst winter break in college. I am back at home in Chinatown from the University of Southern California, having picked up a few table manners
Read MoreShould I spill about the good ones? Before the family died. When Christmas bulbs were big and grew hot and metal-clipped to the branches of
Read MoreYou love the first bittersweet sips of dark French Roast coffee in the morning. You think there is nothing better, that of everything you might
Read MoreI went to Woodstock out of spite. Regardless of that fact, this is a love story because what does a 17 year old really know
Read MoreI am thinking of the way your mouth turns up on one side when you point your finger down at little me and shout Car-oool,
Read MoreMy ex-husband died in my living room a month before the world shut down. Two months later, I met Karen. Within an hour of our
Read MoreMarin used markers to draw a butterfly with spiraling antennae. I hope you find happiness in everything you do, she wrote. Jenny covered her card
Read MoreShe does have wings on her back. This, I am sure of. Although I have yet to see the wings, I know that when she
Read MoreI had never seen his face. I fell in love with the sound of his voice on the telephone. It was the easy way he
Read MoreWe chatted for hours on MSN Messenger in our bedrooms behind closed doors, the night drawing shadows on our gaunt faces, my parents fast asleep
Read MoreDaphne laughs when Shilpa tells her that she prefers to spend her Friday evenings surrounded by grandparents, veterans, and retirees rather than her own age
Read MoreFor his first birthday after we married, I gave my husband a t-shirt with birds stretched across it in rows. Under each bird were detailed
Read MoreA year after I left the military, I was hired by a Fortune 100 company as a Customer Sales Representative. The desk I was assigned
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