The antagonist lingers half-eyed and pearlescent over the dead fish. She forks every bite without a sound, a killer without wonder. Still, she looks at
Read MoreSlick branches black, chronic with lichen, stiff with old-winter tenacity, but blurred, softened, rumpled like silk sheets the morning after, dimpled with haphazard rain-fire. We
Read MoreIf I did not belong to her— if there were no me— no scar borderline on her belly to mark my exit— I imagine I
Read MoreI. We called you Fabio, hair of gold, long, and unruly. The girls came with no effort from you. A quiet mystique, they all wanted
Read MoreI began each day as if it were a reflection of all the desire that has passed before [ ]. Which is to say I
Read Moreas we melt—– flesh to flesh being the spirit’s most endless zone. How can I be this close without losing myself? Miles of details arrive:
Read MoreShe is searching for a loving dude, the single one who will understand what she offers through the information portals of life, a man who
Read MoreThe porch talk is weighed down by crows & we look at the sun hoping it looks back. The eggs are scrambled & the dog
Read Moremy demons sink into the abyss of memory and drown in the hollow between her breasts, she touches my arm and presses back we are
Read MoreYou’re out there, I know it, and I’ll never meet you— never walk with you through April orchards, never duck in a doorway with you
Read MoreWhile you in Italy study cherubs, at Autumn’s first slap of season’s colorful cold, the Swiss goats hunker in the run-down shed Hanoverians shelter on
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