come apart everything we see reminds us of clouds once there was a tiny man who rode dragonflies but one day he grew wheels and
Read MoreSay we never went to the Dairy Queen, licked an ice cream cone on the concrete bench outside on a hot summer afternoon. Say you
Read MoreA long slim poem full of hyperbole & alliteration drifted into the wrong e-mail box. There she met an erudite rich text format file. They
Read MoreHere, take my heart allow it to defeat any failure to become a flower; enable it to render you complete with all your
Read MoreIn another season, another world— that lost moment, we ran into nights of shudder and crucible, autumn and oceans—our love barely risen
Read MoreAs just one pulled stitch in a sweater mars its facade, so the two of us snagged on your chronic fatigue but eventually learned to
Read MoreCruel are those tears that slip, silently down without a sound, The most sorrowful noiseless scream, no solace to be found. Welling up from a
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