I am the product of you mirrored in smashed glass Years of bad luck, were they to come or long past? Is my adolescent retribution
Read MoreWe drank coffee for dinner, I watched my body cave in. Her smile has never shone so bright. In the white room that evening, she
Read MoreYou & I contend for the vast space beneath your skin. I’m knowingly erotomanic—erotoleptic. Lusting to pierce you deeper-than-dermis & farther-than-fascia. Ravenously thirsty for your
Read MoreYou’re rattling around in my head like loose change worth a fortune what do I do with you how to honour value when it cannot
Read MoreMornings are easy. I make coffee fry two eggs read the news. Afternoons I read Hemingway Bukowski then I sleep. Nights are harder. Twelve hours
Read Moreif i want to pen such love stories, i must find feet in another continent i must start with the sun rays on his lips
Read MoreI’d like to cook you breakfast and drink mimosas made with the cheapest champagne, mixed with the smallest amount of orange juice. I’d like you
Read Moreit began quietly / in the soft unassuming way of an ordinary moment / that later unfurls across time, casually blooming / and birthing a
Read MoreStrange, after living so long apart the things that resurrect the memory of your touch; a vanilla-scented candle, the taste of Turkish coffee; or the
Read Morea projection screen, the woman herself, invisible vamp, vixen, dominatrix, a cock tease Mommy, nurse with kisses, Band-Aids, chocolate chip cookies therapist with answers, a
Read MoreI fell in love with you as much as I dared a teaspoon, maybe half, as much as I dared. I stirred it through and
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