Falling Asunder
Ten rounds the sun since our shadows
entwined along the morning path,
danced in the dusk light. The gust swirls
fallen leaves baked dry in my heart,
naked fibres that carried life,
my life and ours. Shadows cleaved
apart, yet under the same star,
mouthing why into the quiet
of each unreal night; eyes seared, fists
unclenching every stillborn dawn.
I am cast out from our garden;
fell thoughts remain my confidante,
drinking up my soul. But for love,
life bleeds out a bit more slowly,
for a little longer.

Ping Yi writes poetry, travelogues and fiction, and is in public service. His work has appeared in Litro, London Grip, Meniscus, La Piccioletta Barca, Sideways, Vita Poetica, Poetry Breakfast, Wild Greens and ONE ART, and is forthcoming in Harbor Review, Rising Phoenix Review, The Prose Poem and The Word’s Faire. Ping Yi is from Singapore, and has lived in Boston, MA, and Cambridge, UK.