There’s a fault in the heavens
But somewhere here
We unravel each other with soft hands
Rouge ribbons tangled up
Your hands gripping every part
Melting my soul in your palm
But somewhere here
We unravel each other with soft hands
Rouge ribbons tangled up
Your hands gripping every part
Melting my soul in your palm
Weakness compromised
Tied to every definition I desire to be
I’ll craft you
As an idol in my temple
Fall to my knees in worship
Take you into every paradise
Radiance peaks
Floral rush
Open wide
We touched heaven in each other

Mia Amore Del Bando was born and raised in Long Beach, California. She is a Los Angeles based flight attendant. Her profession allowed her to travel to several countries and practices her independence wherever she goes. She has been featured in The Art of Everyone, You Might Need To Hear This, Flora Fiction, Inlandia, and others. Her work has been published in-print by Wingless Dreamer and Poets Choice. She is a faithful friend, difficult daughter, and selfish lover.