Last Call
You’re my one last drink.
The one I’m always debating to have.
The one I know will relinquish my inhibitions; confessions will pour like smooth, oak infused bourbon with notes of vanilla into an old-fashioned, rock cut glass.
Oh how I enjoy the heat that penetrates as I swallow.
Licking the remnants of liquid from the corners of my mouth; sucking the sweetness off my bottom lip.
My buzz, bigger than a honeybee’s.
You’re the drink that gets me drunk.
The one that makes me forget I’m a forty-two year old mom of three.
The one that makes me remember what falling in love feels like.
My happily ever after hangover.
The froth on the top of a beer that I immerse my finger in and taste.
That’s you.
A full bodied beer straight out of the tap.
Craft not domestic.
Not a shot of tequila, the whole margarita.
Cabernet sauvignon swirled in the bowl of my glass as I pinch the stem between my fingers and thumb.
I inhale the aroma and savor every sip, because you’re my one last drink.

Dana Storino is an emerging neurodiverse writer, has been published in Wrytimes and has been a guest blogger for She also has a short story being featured in the upcoming July issue of Her View From Home. She has two short stories published in separate issues of Gliterary Literary and a poem in an upcoming issue of Poet’s Choice. Dana received her Bachelor of Art degree from Columbia College Chicago. She works full time for Chicago Public Schools as a SECA (special education classroom assistant). Her middle-grade book “The Golden Bee” is currently represented by Max Dobson of Maximus Literary. You can read some of her personal experiences with ADHD and life in general in her WordPress blog, “Oh Look, a Squirrel.” She’s a married mother of three humans, a spunky Dalmatian, Dolly and a cool cat, Bean.