Love is A Lot Like a Hot Air Balloon
Say we never went to the Dairy
Queen, licked an ice cream cone
on the concrete bench outside
on a hot summer afternoon.
Say you never loved the way
I watched you watch a movie.
Say we go back in time, unmeet
ourselves and save everyone
all the trouble we cause later;
the house, the park, the ski
trip, your dad having to buy
you a new car. And let us say
that we never meant it, any
of it. We could take back all
the words we said: window, parallel,
forever, some more. Love
is a lot like a hot air balloon –
there is either not enough
to hold us, or so much
that it carries us away.

Andrea Lawler (she/her/hers) is a poet, short story writer, and crazy cat lady. She holds a degree in English Language & Literature. When not writing about sex or death, you can find her at the local coffee shop. Feel free to follow her on Twitter: @andie_lawler