Morning Routines
she’d scratch at the crossword
each morning, Monday through Sunday,
just after pouring his coffee. a dollop
of milk. a snap of sugar. is it a bacon
or scrapple kind of day, he’d ask,
not really caring.
she enjoyed food prep. oven timers.
eggs over easy. grease on griddles
pats of butter in pans. he was always
hungry. ate everything she made.
daily. never trimmed the fat. didn’t want
for anything. together, they solved life’s
most persistent dilemmas —
eggs that ran
milk that soured
squabbles in pans
less than tender beefs
salt and/or pepper debates
he didn’t care much for puzzles,
what’s the point, he’d say,
she didn’t care much for cold grits
or unfinished grids business.
eat up, she’d reply and pour
more coffee, spoon more jam,
then twist a No. 2 pencil
in her hand-held sharpener.
one across. two down
four-letter word for ______
an antonym, six letters, for ___
another vowel
a word that rhymes with ___
also known as ___
he’d eat and smile at her sighs.
watch her brow crease. listen
to her knuckles crack. field challenges
for consonants. scavenge for names
of philosophers. the puzzles unsurprisingly
predictable. curate males – Aristotle and Plato.
hunt for cities plotted on faraway continents.
track stocks, real estate trades, and horse bets
seven letter word for __
another name for ___
a famous trial. a Greek God. a rare bird
he’d offer letters — a few,
usually wrong, words
of encouragement (Y.E.S.)
and tease when he could
three across and four down share a vowel…
a four-season flower?
she was his answer
to many riddles — Knock Knock, Who’s There
and he hers
First winner of the Kentucky Derby
Newton’s ____ Law of Motion
Author of Pride and Prejudice
Phillies Pitchers from the 90s
Dolly Parton’s Birth City
80s Surprise Broadway Hit
70s Daytime TV Star
memories tucked in ketchup dollars
and saltshakers. Decades on auto-dial.
palms always cupped. trades
always open minded
not that. nice try. tricky word
off spelling. wrong verb
too long. not long enough
how many years ago?
he mostly waited
for empty grids to fill. syllables to form
coffee to cool. eyes to lift. I _ U
for her – time
she didn’t need
much help
he didn’t need
much attention
just each other’s
the crossword, eggs, grits, coffee,
condiments, kitchen table, questions
— accessories to their morning routine
for fifty years
and then
— never acknowledging
they’d always been on a timer
the alarm rang
/ five-letter word for heartbreak

Jen Schneider is an educator who lives, writes, and works in small spaces throughout Pennsylvania. She is a Best of the Net nominee, with stories, poems, and essays published in a wide variety of literary and scholarly journals. She is the author of Invisible Ink (Toho Pub), On Daily Puzzles: (Un)locking Invisibility (forthcoming, Moonstone Press), and Blindfolds, Bruises, and Breakups (forthcoming Atmosphere Press).