My Heart Broke in Childhood, But My Child Changed All That
a shattered riddle of veined promises
like a thousand rivers and roads
on a map that didn’t dare
show its true topography
no promontories on which to stand
no scenic views of this ravaged land—love
unanswered never commanded reality
nothing to dream of once all the magicked
airships crashed and each balloon
from every circus pre-popped
all the fairy tales stopped
my chest emptied of breath
from an unending sucker punch
so nothing—not even death—
scared me til my own child
tore at my scars—love
rushed back in spilling
til my heartbanks swamped
no longer willing to hide
or abide alone yet terrified
I white-knuckled parenting
as a rollercoaster of fear
it took years to learn to ride

Goldman-Sherman’s plays have been produced on 4 continents. Their poetry is published or forthcoming in Gigantic Sequins, Strange Horizons, Anti-Heroin Chic, and others. Their first flash won 3rd Prize in the 2023 Fish Anthology. Emma supports writers at They write about wholeness and creativity at