Nearly Empty
Send us your love.
We are nearly empty.
We must postpone
our balloon release
of hearts and flowers
until our queue is filled.
Help us patch the hole
that drained the sky
of color.
Help us fill the bowl
with Hershey’s kisses.
We are nearly empty.
Send us your love.

Nolcha has written all her life, starting with poop and crayons on the walls. Her poems have been published in WyoPoets News, Duck Head Journal, Ancient Paths, Dark Entries, The Red Lemon Review, Agape Review, Bullshit Literary Magazine, Storyteller’s Refrain, Wilder Literature, Paddler Press, the 2022 WyoPoets chapbook Emergence, Gone Lawn, Levatio’s first issue Serenity, Spirit Fire Review, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal.
Her chapbook, “My Father’s Ghost Hates Cats,” is available on Amazon. In spring 2022, Alien Buddha Press will publish her chapbook, “The Big Unda.” In July/August 2022, Dancing Girl Press will publish her chapbook, “Why Chicken Explodes in the Microwave.”