Nostalgia Arrives at the Midnight Hour
Have I asked the wrong question?
Rhetoric, its answer feels like a secret
that shouldn’t be kept: broken heart
still beats in spite of its corkscrew defect,
breathes itself into the empty hollow
between inhale and exhale;
Oak-infused whiskey drowns wayward lust,
gathers stutter-coughs from the back
of the throat when its smokey scent stings;
Swing of the pendulum borrows against
an uncertain future when I try to dance solo
beyond the recollection of a carnival fortune teller,
its arm slices and swooshes through nostalgic air,
gathers the electro-static pops from a needle that glides
between tight grooves on a black vinyl disk
while it collects dust with each rotation.
Already it feels like I have circled back
more times than should be allowed.

Steven Concert, Harveys Lake, PA – while it seems like forever, Steven has been writing poetry for
slightly less than 46 years. One of nine children, sibling rivalry has become a treasure trove of poetic
inspiration. As an adult, and on purpose, he has read all of Shakespeare’s sonnets. His poetic works
have been recognized in local, state, and national competitions. His poetry has been published in
Agates, Art Through the Eyes of the Mad Poets, Common Threads, Fixed and Free Quarterly, Got
Verse?, Listening to Water, ONE ART, and Word Fountain.