Postcard from the Knife-Thrower’s Wife
September 1 – Elkins, WV
I want to hold faith for broken things
a bird struggling to fly and hope the wing
isn’t truly broken but maybe only strained
and when I walk by later it’s absence means
it has flown back to their mate.
The man on the exit ramp in parka and boots
on a mid-August day with a marker scrawled
anything/helps/i’m/homeless sign is simply
one good luck day-could be today-from a job.
I want to hold faith for the child taught to hide
their feelings, for their broken heart, and scars
they scatter like breadcrumbs throughout their
life; waiting for someone to find them.
The woman who believed, trusted, & patiently
loved; ministering, soothing wounds far deeper
than ever imagined. Not giving up until the last
remnant of her spirit becomes brittle and dry.
How does love turn into a batteringing rain
that drenches then drowns you, leaves you
shivering alone with nothing but fragile bits
of faith to keep you alive.

Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis; he has had poems published in numerous journals. The full length collection, Postcards from the Knife-Thrower was runner up for the Moon City Poetry Prize in 2017. Two full length collections Pop. 1280, and John Berryman Died Here were released by Cyberwit and available on Amazon. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Piker’s Press, One Art Poetry, Eunoia Review, and Star 82 Review.