Clever, witty, Tennessee man,
moving to NYC to come out at age twenty-five,
earn a living, explore gay life,
come into your own.
Computer geek, problem-solving
detective-playing sleuth,
enjoying martinis and bitchy banter
after a day’s hard work.
Our one drag extravaganza,
you ravishing in pink satin gown
me Bob Mackey sheer black,
faces painted, wigs stacked, heels unsteady.
You fought AIDS hard and early on,
pioneer spirit and kind soul,
breaking your mom’s heart,
her ravaged son dying before her own.
Dear Cole, buried back in Tennessee,
each spring your pink dogwood petals bloom
inspiring our upstate home as
we dance and quip and cry again.

Kirk Lawson lives Ulster County, New York, surrounded by the Shawangunk mountains.
He enjoys poetry as a creative way to discover meaning in his life, share pearls of daily
living and learn from others. He seeks to live more fully through written expression.
Kirk is retired, also enjoys volunteer work, yoga, music and cooking. Grateful to his
husband Jim and their dog Cocoa for all they teach him each day.