Self-love/lack thereof
for men I have been
sex-kitten/goddess/mother/the hottest
cherry red corvette/revving engine/tank full of gas
for myself I have been
emaciated mule/worn saddle-bags
empty arms
held open
accept burdens
of others
crystalline bay/azure seas/incoming black ooze/ à la Exxon-Valdez
vacancy burns
ocean aflame/ducks slick with oil/corporation to blame/they keep the spoils
love to seek
from without/desperation
worker bee/flits flower/to flower
love not born
from within/a negation
nectar/belongs/to the queen
when self-image is formed in the eye of another
the cost is the loss of one’s primary lover

Liz Teuber is a mother, farmer, wife, divorcée, yoga teacher and avid forever student in the
school of life. She divides her time between Vermont’s rural Northeast Kingdom and the
metropolis of Burlington. An eclectic writer of poetry, CNF and fiction, her work has appeared
in The Prairie Review. You can find her on instagram @liz_teuber.