tha gaol na chuan
Ask my love
ask my love to
listen / his chest
is a patchwork of
ocean / I can lie there
& thread salt to
my lashes / dream
of rivers
flying, landing
where our palms
touch / river &
palm: a lineage of
holding / limbed
choreography / birds
visiting like
ancestors, or
heart water / our oneness
is washed / our
separateness: cloaking us
as we
sleep / & under
morning, my love will
seed / nurse
the little breaths
that a life
makes / warmer &
warming / then his patterned
will walk out
amongst the
trees / climb the trunks &
hold on, hold
on —
Eartha (@eartha_davis_) wishes to live simply, kindly, and most certainly by a river. She placed second in the 2022 Woorilla Poetry Prize Youth Section and was nominated for Best of the Net 2023, with work published or forthcoming in Wildness, Frozen Sea Journal, Minarets Revolute, JMWW, Arboreal Magazine, Hummingbird Blink, Sour Cherry Magazine, and Eunoia Review, among others. She is a poetry editor at Dipity Literary Magazine, Verdant Journal, and Expressionist Lit Magazine.