The Coffee Cup is a Shrine of You
The white coffee cup sits on the
oak dresser stained with your
coffee lip prints, a silver spoon
sticking out of the top, leaning
against the rim.
It sits there taunting me like
a spirit of your presence
now that you’ve left, leaving
that coffee cup as a sign that
you were once here.
I stare at it and wonder if I clink
the metal spoon against the
glass three times if you would
appear in the room in front of me
once again.

Sam Zimmerman is a current graduate student at SUNY New Paltz. She loves experimenting with different types of poetry and writing creative nonfiction. Sam is a contributing editor at Pine Hills Review. Her work has been featured in Sledgehammer Lit. She currently resides in a small town in the middle of nowhere in New York. You can keep up with her on Twitter at @samthezim.