Two Poems
painting, for d.
venus in a
twilight sky over houses
on fire invisibly and nowhere
near the ocean
dark rooms without
human voices
stood in one of them and
told you i loved you and it
only added to the silence
only made the stars
that much colder
if hope is the ghost
had nothing and i held it
close like anyone would
had the suicide’s number,
had her name, had
a letter that she’d signed
with love…
seven pages long and it
didn’t tell me how to
save her, so it didn’t
really tell me anything
at all

John Sweet sends greetings from the rural wastelands of upstate NY. He is a firm believer in writing as catharsis, and in the continuous search for an unattainable and constantly evolving absolute truth. His latest poetry collections include A FLAG ON FIRE IS A SONG OF HOPE (2019 Scars Publications) and A DEAD MAN, EITHER WAY (2020 Kung Fu Treachery Press).