Valentine Song For Long Lovers
for herself
He watches her face as she writes out hope.
After that first kiss, he broke her heart once.
No more. How many years? Does she still hurt?
She’s still, focused on truth with elegance.
He wants forgiveness for all he did once.
These years of small gifts, all those she offered,
ones he hides in his own drawer of secrets,
blue words written on loose sheets of paper.
He worries that her heart-seeking regrets
will find him, that they’ll sting like secrets.
He reads the calendar, aware of this date,
as if one day were enough to worship
at her knees, her eyes, her form, her face.
He serves her dinner—an everyday dish.
His offering to love. His active worship.

Mark J. Mitchell has been a working poet for 50 years. He’s the author of five full-length collections, and six chapbooks. His latest collection is Something To Be from Pski’s Porch Publishing. A novel that includes some poetry, A Book of Lost Songs is due out next Spring. He’s fond of baseball, Louis Aragon, Dante, and his wife, activist Joan Juster. He lives in San Francisco where he points out pretty things.