we’re swimming
and in love, i think
climbing over each other laughing
you push me down
and we’re struggling against the current
but it’s fun and salty and us
naturally, i get on your back
and we’re a force
pushing against god
my arms flanked in front of you
screaming, a fruitless war with water
but it’s fun and salty and us
your hair wet against my skin
soft, because i love
can i hold on to you and this moment?
moving fast i
find it escapes me
the tide, you, my feet
i’d gladly let it take me, pull
me out from what i understand
if you’d come too
but you don’t
who am i in this ocean without anchor?
i can give myself to the sound
bury my aching knees in absence
it’s salty and slow
but not us
sometimes i imagine
the blueness of this ocean matches my insides
bursting with languid teals and muted desire
i want so much to love you in our ocean
but (lately) i sense
it’s only mine

Olivia (they/them) is a Philadelphia-born and -based artist. They are a longtime gardener, writer, musician, linguist and educator who is interested in illuminating creation in our lives, whether it be in the tending of land or the small moments of conversation. They are invested in building liberatory community and aspire to Julius Eastman’s words from his 1981 artist bio: “No other thing is as important or as useful. Right thought, Right Speech, Right action, Right music.”