What if We Fall in Love to Another Breakup Song?
We could soak in epsom & watch
our old layers drain clockwise
let the salt encrust the pipes then
wait weeks for a plumber
What if we air dried on the balcony
in bleached linen towels?
Our pink limbs stretching &
straining across a setting sun
the only constellations in the city
dangle from our tangled hair
What if we cloaked ourselves in hot
envy & snapped frenzy to our heels?
Let’s stumble to the closest bar &
throw our wallets at the jukebox
make it play our song over & over
& over & over again
What if we cry into our glasses & give
toasts to the happy couples?
Hold for an applause then
pluck their laughs from the floor
adding the bent pieces
to our empty pockets
What if we smash beer foam into
our faces but never take a drink?
Come find me dancing on tabletops
until the bouncer finds his bat
we sleep better when our bruises
bloom from mauve to indigo
What if we put on crowns to eventually
become the fools?
What if we look better this way?

Jessica Espejel is a Mexican-American poet and public librarian based in New York
City. Her days are mainly spent reading articles about wellness or finance, exploring the city’s
best vegan spots, and planning her next international adventure with her spouse. Her poetry
delves into the inner psyche of being a woman, a wife, a minority, a millennial, and at times a
‘hot mess’ in this modern world.