Whatever we are stops (for) no one
We remain where we are told,
while the power is still on.
We fear what dark and silence
could reveal to them
about us.
Whatever we are
stops (for) no one,
asks no permission,
demands nothing.
We want each other
and someone else.
We know,
they don’t.
We remain where we are told
while the record plays like a gossip
under the party’s bite.
One day all lights will go out
and our hands will reach out
to each other
to light the fire of our coven.
But we remain where we are told,
amused and full,
on the fringe of doom
where our shadows meet
to make out on the floor
where no one sees.

Luis Jefté Lacourt (he/him), born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is a librarian, illustrator and veteran based in New Jersey, USA. His published works include poetry in Door is a Jar Literary Magazine, Cypress Literary Magazine and HOOT Review (2021), short stories book “El Origen de los Murciélagos y Otros Cuentos” (2015 National Prize, Institute of Puerto Rican Culture) and the graphic novel “(A)diós” (Honorific Mention from the Literary Awards 2015 of PEN Club Puerto Rico International).